Get Involved
Current Opportunities:
We accept new course proposals on a rolling basis with respect to priority deadlines each year. Faculty and Graduate students eligible to teach, click here to learn more and submit a course proposal.
*Yale and UNH Students (Graduate and Undergraduate): Click here to volunteer or get involved in other capacities, including:
Transcription Network (flexible/unpaid, volunteer capacity, remote) (Summer or Academic Year). This work does not involve entering a correctional facility.
Research Request Network (flexible/unpaid, remote, volunteer capacity) (Summer or Academic Year): The RRN enables incarcerated YPEI students to access library and research materials they need to complete their academic assignments, with the help of trained volunteers. Although the RRN is part of YPEI, it is overseen jointly by the Yale and University of New Haven Libraries. This work does not involve entering a correctional facility.
Peer Tutoring (2-4 hours/week) (Summer or Academic Year)
Computer Literacy Tutor for formerly incarcerated alumni of college in prison (YUPP partnership active during academic year only). This work does not involve entering a correctional facility.
Dwight Hall Urban Fellowship (4-6 hours/week) (Academic Year/Yale Undergraduates only)
Summer Fellowship (Part- or Full-Time)
YPEI started as a grassroots combined effort of Yale faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and staff, working in concert with incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students of college-in-prison programs. Together, we believe that this program represents the best of Yale's values and visions for the future.
Please register your interest in getting involved with YPEI by clicking on the button below that best describes you.
YPEI also maintains a Jobs Board to serve job-seekers who are formerly incarcerated and/or interested in careers in the field of higher education in prison.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Who can teach for YPEI?
Faculty and graduate students eligible to teach on campus can teach for YPEI.
How does YPEI support faculty who teach in prison?
YPEI instructors receive training and orientation from the program as well as well as from campus resources.
How are incarcerated students selected to participate in YPEI?
Incarcerated students are selected through an admissions process that consists of both a written component and an interview overseen by program staff and a faculty advisory committee.
How are students graded?
Students are graded according to the same on-campus conventions for each course offered.
How do students conduct research in prison?
Because students don’t have access to internet, YPEI works to facilitate resources necessary for successfully completing research components of any course offered. We have established a new partnership with the Yale University Libraries (YUL) in order to facilitate this work.
Do students have internet access?
Students do not currently have internet access.
What sorts of classes is the program looking for?
YPEI offers classes from a wide range of disciplines during summer, fall, and spring terms. We welcome proposals for courses in all subject areas. However, please propose only classes that you have taught before. Do not propose courses that center criminal justice or prisons, if that is not your field of expertise. Do not propose classes that use students as research subjects.
Would it be possible to teach my area of specialty?
Yes, but please propose only classes that you have taught before.
May I design my own course, or are there set syllabi?
You may design your own course, as long as it is a course or subject matter that you have taught before; it must also be approved by the university’s Course of Study Committee and adhere to all on-campus standards and guidelines. Please keep in mind that students do not have internet access and are limited in their ability to do research. Do not propose courses that center criminal justice or prisons, if that is not your field of expertise. Additionally, do not propose classes that use students as research subjects.
Should I indicate availability for any course I think I could teach? Or should I limit it to my own discipline?
Please only apply to teach courses that you have taught before.
I submitted application materials, but I haven’t heard from you. Does this mean I haven’t been selected?
YPEI selects courses for each term based on student needs. We reach out to instructors on an as-needed basis. We apologize that we receive far more interest than we are able to accommodate.
What time of day are classes scheduled?
YPEI offers classes and office hours in a variety of windows scheduled between 8:30 AM - 9:00 PM. Instructors will only be required to be on-site during their courses and office hours.
Do you provide transportation to the prison?
No. However, Dwight Hall cars are available for Yale affiliates’ use, but you need a driver’s license and must undergo an online training session in order to use them.
Can I have a TA?
Once your course is approved, TAs may be appointed.