“For the first time in 12 years I have had a real positive change in the quality of my day to day life. Thank you so much for being the spark of that change, I have it because of you and it makes me work harder knowing that it’s a responsibility not a gift. Thank you.”
“The program is distinguished by the quality of classes provided. There is no program offering the level of courses that Yale does. The teaching is high quality and as a result the atmosphere is really collegiate.”
“The most valuable thing about this program to me is the way it is constantly increasing my engagement and desire for learning.”
“The quality of the instructors and the way in which these rather difficult courses are taught is exemplary. Everyone at YPEI is fully committed and seems to have a personal stake in our success in the program. It means a lot to feel like I have someone fighting, really fighting, on my side for a change.”
“The ability, the energy of the professors is one of the biggest distinctions & everyone's desire (students & instructors) to do better & learn from one another."
“The environment distinguishes this program. Everybody takes this seriously, from the professors to the students, and that's important to me.”
“I love the fact that professors who have a passion for teaching are a part of this program. I appreciate them! It sets a great mood when your teacher is enthusiastic to teach you as well as challenge you with the subject matter. The enthusiasm becomes contagious.”
“The amount of information/knowledge and attention to students' needs distinguishes the program, and every part of the program is invaluable to me.”
“What distinguishes this program is the access to guest lectures. This interaction is valuable in that it exposes us to text & thinking styles in advance of a given class.”
“This program is unique in the sense that it provides an out of class experience for me. What I mean by that is while the main focus may be the classes we are accredited for, an interest is shown towards my writing, and I cannot be more thankful.”
“This program is a much-needed challenge, for which I am grateful.”